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AZA Essentials Liability Release Form

I hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this liability release form in consideration for my participation in any activities or events organized by AZA Essentials, hereinafter referred to as "the Organization.”

  1. Assumption of Risk: I understand that participating in activities organized by AZA Essentials may involve certain risks, including but not limited to physical injury, property damage, or other unforeseen incidents. I voluntarily assume all such risks associated with my participation.

  2. Release and Waiver: I hereby release, waive, and discharge AZA Essentials, its officers, directors, employees, volunteers, and agents from any and all claims, liabilities, actions, demands, expenses, or damages arising from or related to my participation in AZA Essentials activities.

  3. Medical Treatment Authorization: In the event of any injury or medical emergency during my participation in AZA Essentials activities, I authorize the Organization to seek and consent to medical treatment on my behalf.

  4. Photography and Publicity: I grant AZA Essentials the irrevocable right to use photographs or videos taken during the event for promotional and publicity purposes without compensation.

  5. Compliance with Rules: I agree to comply with all rules, guidelines, and instructions provided by AZA Essentials during the activities or events.