A Vision for Global Dignity and Equality

At AZA Essentials, we envision a world where every individual, regardless of their background or circumstance, has access to the essential elements necessary for a dignified and fulfilling life.

Our vision is rooted in the belief that basic needs, including education, healthcare, and sustainable livelihoods, are fundamental rights that empower communities to thrive.

We aspire to create a global network of compassion and support, fostering a future where AZA Essentials serves as a beacon of hope, catalyzing positive change and contributing to the building blocks of a just and equitable society. Together, we strive to unlock the full potential of humanity, one essential at a time, and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow.

Our Mission

To provide the basic needs for different communities that need help by providing them with custom essentials. After the needs are met, the next step is to educate and adopt a "thrive” instead of “survive” culture

Our Values

Youth power: We believe in the limitless potential of young people and choose to invest in them as the key to a brighter future for our communities and our world. 

Wellbeing: We foster safe spaces that enhance the social, emotional and physical wellbeing of young people and their families, while also making our community a safer place to live. 

Equity and Inclusion: We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to live to their full potential, and that our community is stronger when they are full of opportunities for people with diverse identities, backgrounds and perspectives. We prioritize action over intention and are working every day to make our organization more equitable and inclusive.